Laser Therapy (Low level Laser / LED Therapy)

Apollo Low Level Laser TherapyLow level laser therapy and LED (light emitting diode) therapy is the use of specific wavelengths of light (red and near infrared) to create therapeutic effects. These effects include improved healing time, pain reduction, increased circulation and decreased inflammation or swelling. The light is provided by a low power laser or an LED which emits energy in the form of photons. These photons are particles of energy which are absorbed by the tissue and cells resulting in the conversion of light to energy. Multiple physiological responses are initiated and normal cell functioning is restored.

The effect of red light on cellular function have been known since 1880, however clinical benefits were only discovered by accident during laser safety testing in 1967. The first lasers suitable for treating pain became available in the late 1970’s and have since been widely used in Europe. After FDA approval in 2002, laser therapy has quickly gained popularity in North America.


Here at the Centre for Natural Pain Solutions in Winnipeg we use the Multi Radiance Medical laser technology. These devices have more power than most class IV lasers with the safety of class II. Multi Radiance technology combines the entire range of therapeutic light spectrum into a single technology. Working synergistically, the multiple radiances create an optimal biological environment for accelerated healing and pain reduction.

Low Level Laser TherapyThe Foundation of Multi Radiance Technology combines:

  • Super Pulsed Laser (905nm)
    This produces a high power level of impulse light (25,000mW) which drives the photon of energy into the target tissue up to 13cm deep. This super pulsed technology influences pain reduction, improvement of microcirculation and increase cell metabolism.
  • Pulsed Broad Band Infrared (875nm)
    This penetrates shallower depths than laser but provides a broader spectrum and gently heats the surface tissue layers.
  • Pulsed Red Light (660nm)
    Penetrates shallower tissue depths and has beneficial inflammation reduction benefits.
  • Static Magnetic Field
    Keeps ionized tissue molecules in a dissociated state which enhances the energy potential at the cellular levels.

Laser Therapy is pain free, non invasive, has no known side effects, has proven clinical results from over 4000 clinical studies published worldwide.

Successful Double Blind Clinical Trials

Numerous randomized double blind clinical trials have showed the efficacy of the Multi Radiance technology on various health conditions. An 88% positive effect was demonstrated in studies done on the efficacy of the Multi Radiance therapy in relieving pain caused by arthritis of small and medium joints. The clinical study involved 140 participants. In addition to specific studies on the Multi Radiance technology, over 4,000 studies have been conducted worldwide to validate the effectiveness of laser therapy.


Soft Tissue Injuries:

  • Back Pain
  • Neck Pain
  • Tendinitis
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Sprains
  • Strains
  • Myofascial Trigger Points
  • Epicondylitis (tennis elbow)
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Heel Spurs
  • Chondromalacia Patella

Degenerative Joint Conditions:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

Neurogenic Pain:

  • Shingles
  • Trigeminal Neuralgia
  • Fibromyalgia
  • RSD (complex regional pain syndrome)


Low Level Laser TherapyDoes the treatment hurt? What does a treatment feel like?
There is mild or no sensation during treatment. Occasionally one feels a mild, soothing warmth or tingling.

Are there any side effects or associated risks?
During more than twenty years of use by practitioners around the world, very few side effects have ever been reported. If a patient is allergic or ultra sensitive to light they may get a rash for a few days. Occasionally some chronic injuries or pain syndromes may feel aggravated post treatment as the healing response occurs.

How long does the treatment take?
The average treatment duration is 10-15 minutes depending on the condition and size of the area being treated.

How frequently should a patient be treated?
Acute conditions can initially be treated daily if required. Chronic conditions respond best when treatments are received 2-3 times per week. Treatments are tapered to once a week to once every two weeks.

How many treatments does it take?
This varies with the each condition. Acute conditions may only require 1-6 treatments while more chronic or long standing issues may require 10-15 sessions. Conditions such as moderate to severe arthritis may require periodic ongoing care.

How long until I notice results?
You may feel results after your first treatment. Each treatment is cumulative and most patients feel results after 3-4 sessions.