Being more BODY AWARE

As everyone returns back to work and school, we wanted to give you a few tips and activities to become more body aware while seated for long periods of time.

It is important to connect the fascia system, every animal has fascia. It is like the silver skin on pork tenderloin. The first layer of fascia lies between our skin and muscle. Fascia also runs between/through all our muscles and organs. The fascia tends to be more dense at the curves/transition of our spine. When you align your spine and connect to your fascial system you create tensile strength in your spine and body. For example, engineers strive for structural integrity when they build.


  1. Sit on the edge of your seat. Have your knees bent at about 90 degrees and spread your toes slightly (like they are tree roots) and gently push into the ground.
  2. Picture the pipe.
  3. Elongate the pipe (your spine): Remember you want no “kinks” in your pipe.
  4. Point your head up towards the ceiling, shoulders away from ears and gently rolled back. Try straightening the arms with your palms forward (play around with how far your arms are from your body to feel a nice stretch in your arms and chest, spreading your fingers. Fingers are reaching towards the ground.
  5. Find your sweet spot in your low back (NEUTRAL SPINE) by sticking your tailbone in the air, then try tucking your tail bone. Extra: Place something at the base of your spine/tail bone (towel, pool noodle, tennis ball) this will help to “wake things up.”
  6. In this position, try different variations of breathing: in through the nose, out through the mouth; in and out through the nose; and in and out through the mouth. Bonus breath: “fire breath” from yoga. Do as many breaths as you can blowing out through your mouth. Keep your body fascial structure strong, no wavering in your body or over tensing your muscles.
  7. Do this for three minutes each day to connect with your body and to become more body aware.

Being more body aware is important. When our bodies get tight and sore in certain areas, our bodies are talking to us. Today, we challenge you to start listening to your body by being still in your body for three minutes and trying to see how your fascial system is connected. Over the next six weeks, we will pass along simple concepts and principles on how to connect your body. This isn’t your average “desk stretches” routine.

Everyone’s fascial system is different. That is why “routine” exercise doesn’t work for some people. Stay tuned as we share physiotherapy insight, including pilates and therapeutic yoga principles and just common sense to help you get more connected to yourself